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the greatest part

  • 1 he lost the greatest part of his fortune in suits and pettifoggings

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > he lost the greatest part of his fortune in suits and pettifoggings

  • 2 this work swallows the greatest part of my time

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > this work swallows the greatest part of my time

  • 3 transept (The part of a cruciform church that crosses at right angles to the greatest length between the nave and the apse or choir)

    Религия: трансепт

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > transept (The part of a cruciform church that crosses at right angles to the greatest length between the nave and the apse or choir)

  • 4 Bhagavadgita (Part of Book VI of the Mahabharata, one of the greatest and most beautiful of the Hindu scriptures)

    Религия: "Бхагавадгита"

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Bhagavadgita (Part of Book VI of the Mahabharata, one of the greatest and most beautiful of the Hindu scriptures)

  • 5 most

    1. adjective
    (in greatest number, the majority of) die meisten; (in greatest amount) meist...; größt... [Fähigkeit, Macht, Bedarf, Geduld, Lärm]

    make the most mistakes/noise — die meisten Fehler/den meisten od. größten Lärm machen

    for the most part — größtenteils; zum größten Teil

    2. noun
    1) (greatest amount) das meiste

    offer [the] most for it — das meiste od. am meisten dafür bieten

    pay the mostam meisten bezahlen

    2) (the greater part)

    most of the time — die meiste Zeit; (on most occasions) meistens


    make the most of something, get the most out of something — etwas voll ausnützen; (represent at its best) das Beste aus etwas machen


    at [the] most — höchstens

    3. adverb
    1) (more than anything else) am meisten [mögen, interessieren, gefallen, sich wünschen, verlangt]
    2) forming superl.

    this book is the most interestingdieses Buch ist das interessanteste

    3) (exceedingly) überaus; äußerst
    * * *
    [məust] 1. superlative of many, much (often with the) - adjective
    1) ((the) greatest number or quantity of: Which of the students has read the most books?; Reading is what gives me most enjoyment.) meist
    2) (the majority or greater part of: Most children like playing games; Most modern music is difficult to understand.) die meisten
    2. adverb
    1) (used to form the superlative of many adjectives and adverbs, especially those of more than two syllables: Of all the women I know, she's the most beautiful; the most delicious cake I've ever tasted; We see her mother or father sometimes, but we see her grandmother most frequently.) zur Bildung des Superlatives
    2) (to the greatest degree or extent: They like sweets and biscuits but they like ice-cream most of all.) am meisten
    3) (very or extremely: I'm most grateful to you for everything you've done; a most annoying child.) äußerst
    4) ((American) almost: Most everyone I know has read that book.) fast
    3. pronoun
    1) (the greatest number or quantity: I ate two cakes, but Mary ate more, and John ate (the) most.) am meisten
    2) (the greatest part; the majority: He'll be at home for most of the day; Most of these students speak English; Everyone is leaving - most have gone already.) der größte Teil
    - academic.ru/48122/mostly">mostly
    - at the most
    - at most
    - for the most part
    - make the most of something
    - make the most of
    * * *
    [məʊst, AM moʊst]
    I. pron
    the \most am meisten
    what's the \most you've ever won at cards? was war das meiste, das du beim Kartenspielen gewonnen hast?
    when she shared the food out, John got the \most als sie das Essen verteilte, bekam John am meisten
    they had the \most to lose sie hatten am meisten zu verlieren
    at the [very] \most [aller]höchstens
    she's 50 at the very \most sie ist allerhöchstens 50
    \most of sb/sth die meisten
    in this school, \most of the children are from the Chinese community in dieser Schule sind die meisten Kinder chinesischer Abstammung
    \most of the things I forget are unimportant anyway die meisten Dinge, die ich vergesse, sind sowieso unwichtig
    I spent \most of the winter on the coast ich verbrachte einen Großteil des Winters an der Küste
    2. pl (the majority) die Mehrheit
    \most are in favour of tax reform die Mehrheit befürwortet die Steuerreform
    3. (best)
    the \most höchstens
    the \most I can do is try ich kann nicht mehr tun als es versuchen
    the \most they can expect is a 4% pay increase sie können höchstens eine 4-prozentige Gehaltserhöhung erwarten
    to get the \most out of life das meiste aus dem Leben machen
    to be the \most (sl) der/die Größte sein
    he's the \most — I wish he were interested in me er ist so toll — ich wünschte, er würde sich für mich interessieren
    to make the \most of sth das Beste aus etw dat machen
    it's a lovely daywe must make the \most of it was für ein schöner Tag — wir müssen ihn nutzen
    to make the \most of one's opportunities das Beste aus seinen Chancen machen; (represent at its best) etw hervorstreichen
    how to make the \most of your features so unterstreichen Sie Ihre Züge richtig
    II. adj det
    1. (greatest in amount, degree) am meisten
    which of you earns the \most money? wer von euch verdient am meisten Geld?
    they've had the \most success sie hatten größten Erfolg
    2. (majority of, nearly all) die meisten
    I don't eat meat, but I like \most types of fish ich esse kein Fleisch, aber ich mag die meisten Fischsorten
    we like \most students wir mögen die meisten Studenten
    for the \most part für gewöhnlich
    the older members, for the \most part, shun him die älteren Mitglieder meiden ihn für gewöhnlich
    III. adv inv
    1. (forming superlative) im Deutschen durch Superlativ ausgedrückt
    that's what I'm \most afraid of davor habe ich die meiste Angst
    Joanne is the \most intelligent person I know Joanne ist der intelligenteste Mensch, den ich kenne
    the \most intelligent animal das intelligenteste Tier
    \most easily/rapidly/thoroughly am leichtesten/schnellsten/gründlichsten
    sandy plains where fire tends to spread \most quickly sandige Ebenen, auf denen sich das Feuer besonders rasch ausbreitet
    \most important/unfortunate wichtigste(r, s)/unglücklichste(r, s)
    the \most important event of my life das wichtigste Ereignis in meinem Leben
    2. ( form: extremely) höchst, äußerst, überaus geh
    it was a \most unfortunate accident es war ein äußerst bedauerlicher Unfall
    it's \most kind of you to help me es ist überaus freundlich von Ihnen, dass Sie mir helfen
    their situation was \most embarrassing ihre Lage war höchst unangenehm
    he told me a \most interesting story er erzählte mir eine sehr interessante Geschichte
    it was a \most unusual car es war ein ganz ungewöhnliches Auto
    it was a \most beautiful morning es war ein besonders schöner Morgen
    \most certainly ganz bestimmt [o gewiss], mit absoluter Sicherheit
    \most likely höchstwahrscheinlich
    that's \most probably correct das ist höchstwahrscheinlich richtig
    \most unlikely höchst unwahrscheinlich
    3. (to the greatest extent) am meisten
    what annoyed me \most... was mich am meisten gestört hat...
    the things he \most enjoyed die Dinge, die ihm am besten gefielen
    at \most höchstens
    we've got enough rations for a week at \most die Rationen reichen höchstens für eine Woche
    \most of all am allermeisten
    I like the blue one \most of all der/die/das Blaue gefällt mir am besten
    \most of all, I hope that... ganz besonders hoffe ich, dass...
    she likes broccoli and carrots but likes green beans \most of all sie mag Broccoli und Karotten, ganz besonders aber grüne Bohnen
    what she wanted \most of all was sie am meisten wollte
    4. AM ( fam: almost) beinah[e], fast
    they watch TV \most every evening sie sehen beinahe jeden Abend fern
    \most everyone understood fast jeder verstand
    * * *
    1. adj superl
    1) meiste(r, s); (= greatest) satisfaction, pleasure etc größte(r, s); (= highest) speed etc höchste(r, s)

    who has (the) most money? —

    for the most part — größtenteils, zum größten Teil

    2) (= the majority of) die meisten

    most men/people — die meisten (Menschen/Leute)

    2. n, pron
    (uncountable) das meiste; (countable) die meisten

    most of the winter/day — fast den ganzen Winter/Tag über

    most of the time — die meiste Zeit, fast die ganze Zeit

    to make the most of a storyso viel wie möglich aus einer Geschichte__nbsp;machen

    to make the most of one's looks or of oneself —

    the hostess with the mostest (inf) it's the most! (dated sl)die Supergastgeberin (inf) das ist dufte! (dated sl)

    3. adv
    1) superl (+vbs) am meisten; (+adj) -ste(r, s); (+adv) am -sten

    the most beautiful/difficult etc... — der/die/das schönste/schwierigste etc...

    what most displeased him..., what displeased him most... — was ihm am meisten missfiel...

    most of all because... — vor allem, weil...

    2) (= very) äußerst, überaus

    most likely —

    he added most unnecessarily... — er sagte noch völlig unnötigerweise...

    he had told you most explicitly — er hat Ihnen doch ganz eindeutig gesagt...

    3) (old, dial: almost) fast, so ziemlich (inf), schier (old, S__nbsp;Ger)
    * * *
    most [məʊst]
    A adj (adv mostly)
    1. meist(er, e, es), größt(er, e, es):
    for the most part größten-, meistenteils
    2. (vor Substantiv im pl, meist ohne Artikel) die meisten:
    most people die meisten Leute;
    (the) most votes die meisten Stimmen
    B s
    1. (das) Meiste, (das) Höchste, (das) Äußerste:
    the most he accomplished das Höchste, das er vollbrachte;
    a) etwas nach Kräften ausnützen, (noch) das Beste aus einer Sache herausholen oder machen,
    b) (zum eigenen Vorteil) etwas ins beste oder schlechteste Licht stellen;
    at (the) most höchstens, bestenfalls
    2. das meiste, der größte Teil:
    he spent most of his time there er verbrachte die meiste Zeit dort
    3. die meisten pl:
    better than most besser als die meisten;
    most of my friends die meisten meiner Freunde
    C adv
    1. am meisten:
    what most tempted me was mich am meisten lockte;
    most of all am allermeisten
    2. (zur Bildung des sup):
    the most important point der wichtigste Punkt;
    most deeply impressed am tiefsten beeindruckt;
    most rapidly am schnellsten, schnellstens;
    most certainly ganz sicher
    3. (vor adj) höchst, äußerst, überaus:
    he’s most likely to come er kommt höchstwahrscheinlich
    4. US umg oder dial fast, beinahe:
    * * *
    1. adjective
    (in greatest number, the majority of) die meisten; (in greatest amount) meist...; größt... [Fähigkeit, Macht, Bedarf, Geduld, Lärm]

    make the most mistakes/noise — die meisten Fehler/den meisten od. größten Lärm machen

    for the most part — größtenteils; zum größten Teil

    2. noun
    1) (greatest amount) das meiste

    offer [the] most for it — das meiste od. am meisten dafür bieten

    most of the time — die meiste Zeit; (on most occasions) meistens

    most of what he said — das meiste von dem, was er sagte


    make the most of something, get the most out of something — etwas voll ausnützen; (represent at its best) das Beste aus etwas machen


    at [the] most — höchstens

    3. adverb
    1) (more than anything else) am meisten [mögen, interessieren, gefallen, sich wünschen, verlangt]
    2) forming superl.
    3) (exceedingly) überaus; äußerst
    * * *
    größt adj.
    höchst adj.
    meist adj.

    English-german dictionary > most

  • 6 most

    1. superlative of many, much (often with the) - adjective
    1) ((the) greatest number or quantity of: Which of the students has read the most books?; Reading is what gives me most enjoyment.) más
    2) (the majority or greater part of: Most children like playing games; Most modern music is difficult to understand.) la mayoría (de), la mayor parte (de)

    2. adverb
    1) (used to form the superlative of many adjectives and adverbs, especially those of more than two syllables: Of all the women I know, she's the most beautiful; the most delicious cake I've ever tasted; We see her mother or father sometimes, but we see her grandmother most frequently.) más
    2) (to the greatest degree or extent: They like sweets and biscuits but they like ice-cream most of all.) más
    3) (very or extremely: I'm most grateful to you for everything you've done; a most annoying child.) muy, de lo más
    4) ((American) almost: Most everyone I know has read that book.) casi

    3. pronoun
    1) (the greatest number or quantity: I ate two cakes, but Mary ate more, and John ate (the) most.) lo máximo
    2) (the greatest part; the majority: He'll be at home for most of the day; Most of these students speak English; Everyone is leaving - most have gone already.) la mayor parte
    - at the most
    - at most
    - for the most part
    - make the most of something
    - make the most of

    most1 adj pron la mayoría / la mayor parte
    most2 adv más
    who's got the most money? ¿quién tiene más dinero?
    2 (majority) la mayoría de, la mayor parte de
    1 más
    1 (greatest part) la mayor parte
    most of it is finished la mayor parte está terminada, casi todo está acabado
    3 (very) muy, de lo más
    at (the) (very) most como máximo
    for the most part por lo general
    most likely muy probablemente
    most of all sobre todo
    to do the most one can hacer todo lo que se pueda, hacer lo máximo que se pueda
    to make the most of something aprovechar algo al máximo Table 1SMALLNOTA/SMALL Véanse también many y much/Table 1
    most ['mo:st] adv
    : más
    the most interesting book: el libro más interesante
    most adj
    1) : la mayoría de, la mayor parte de
    most people: la mayoría de la gente
    2) greatest: más (dícese de los números), mayor (dícese de las cantidades)
    the most ability: la mayor capacidad
    most n
    : más m, máximo m
    the most I can do: lo más que puedo hacer
    three weeks at the most: tres semanas como máximo
    most pron
    : la mayoría, la mayor parte
    most will go: la mayoría irá
    la mayor parte adj.
    la mayoría adj.
    lo más adj.
    más adj.
    más adv.
    el mayor número s.m.
    la mayor parte s.f.

    I məʊst
    a) ( nearly all) la mayoría de, la mayor parte de

    most peoplecasi todo el mundo or la mayoría de la gente

    who eats (the) most meat in your family? — ¿quién es el que come más carne de tu familia?

    a) ( nearly all) la mayoría, la mayor parte

    most of us/them — la mayoría de nosotros/ellos

    she ate the most — fue la que más comió, comió más que nadie

    at (the) most — como máximo, a lo sumo

    to make the most of something — sacar* el mejor provecho posible de algo

    c) ( people) la mayoría


    what I like/dislike (the) most about him is... — lo que más/menos me gusta de él es...

    b) (before adj, adv) más

    which is the most expensive? — ¿cuál es el más caro?

    most probably o likely — muy probablemente

    3) ( almost) (AmE colloq) casi
    1. ADJ

    who has (the) most money? — ¿quién tiene más dinero?

    2) (=the majority of) la mayoría de, la mayor parte de

    most menla mayoría de or la mayor parte de los hombres

    most people go out on Friday nightsla mayoría de or la mayor parte de la gente sale los viernes por la noche


    most of them — la mayoría de ellos, la mayor parte de ellos

    most of the time — la mayor parte del tiempo, gran parte del tiempo

    most of those presentla mayoría de or la mayor parte de los asistentes

    most of her friendsla mayoría de or la mayor parte de sus amigos

    at (the) most, at the very most — como máximo, a lo sumo

    to get the most out of a situation — sacar el máximo partido a una situación

    to make the most of sth — (=make good use of) aprovechar algo al máximo, sacar el máximo partido a algo; (=enjoy) disfrutar algo al máximo

    3. ADV
    1) (superl) más

    which one did it most easily? — ¿quién lo hizo con mayor facilidad?

    2) (=extremely) sumamente, muy

    most holysantísimo

    a most interesting book — un libro interesantísimo or sumamente interesante

    you have been most kindha sido usted muy amable

    MAJORITY, MOST in majority
    * * *

    I [məʊst]
    a) ( nearly all) la mayoría de, la mayor parte de

    most peoplecasi todo el mundo or la mayoría de la gente

    who eats (the) most meat in your family? — ¿quién es el que come más carne de tu familia?

    a) ( nearly all) la mayoría, la mayor parte

    most of us/them — la mayoría de nosotros/ellos

    she ate the most — fue la que más comió, comió más que nadie

    at (the) most — como máximo, a lo sumo

    to make the most of something — sacar* el mejor provecho posible de algo

    c) ( people) la mayoría


    what I like/dislike (the) most about him is... — lo que más/menos me gusta de él es...

    b) (before adj, adv) más

    which is the most expensive? — ¿cuál es el más caro?

    most probably o likely — muy probablemente

    3) ( almost) (AmE colloq) casi

    English-spanish dictionary > most

  • 7 most

    [məust] 1. superlative of many, much (often with the) - adjective
    1) ((the) greatest number or quantity of: Which of the students has read the most books?; Reading is what gives me most enjoyment.) flest; mest
    2) (the majority or greater part of: Most children like playing games; Most modern music is difficult to understand.) mest
    2. adverb
    1) (used to form the superlative of many adjectives and adverbs, especially those of more than two syllables: Of all the women I know, she's the most beautiful; the most delicious cake I've ever tasted; We see her mother or father sometimes, but we see her grandmother most frequently.) mest
    2) (to the greatest degree or extent: They like sweets and biscuits but they like ice-cream most of all.) allermest
    3) (very or extremely: I'm most grateful to you for everything you've done; a most annoying child.) yderst; særdeles
    4) ((American) almost: Most everyone I know has read that book.) næsten
    3. pronoun
    1) (the greatest number or quantity: I ate two cakes, but Mary ate more, and John ate (the) most.) mest; flest
    2) (the greatest part; the majority: He'll be at home for most of the day; Most of these students speak English; Everyone is leaving - most have gone already.) det meste; de fleste
    - at the most
    - at most
    - for the most part
    - make the most of something
    - make the most of
    * * *
    [məust] 1. superlative of many, much (often with the) - adjective
    1) ((the) greatest number or quantity of: Which of the students has read the most books?; Reading is what gives me most enjoyment.) flest; mest
    2) (the majority or greater part of: Most children like playing games; Most modern music is difficult to understand.) mest
    2. adverb
    1) (used to form the superlative of many adjectives and adverbs, especially those of more than two syllables: Of all the women I know, she's the most beautiful; the most delicious cake I've ever tasted; We see her mother or father sometimes, but we see her grandmother most frequently.) mest
    2) (to the greatest degree or extent: They like sweets and biscuits but they like ice-cream most of all.) allermest
    3) (very or extremely: I'm most grateful to you for everything you've done; a most annoying child.) yderst; særdeles
    4) ((American) almost: Most everyone I know has read that book.) næsten
    3. pronoun
    1) (the greatest number or quantity: I ate two cakes, but Mary ate more, and John ate (the) most.) mest; flest
    2) (the greatest part; the majority: He'll be at home for most of the day; Most of these students speak English; Everyone is leaving - most have gone already.) det meste; de fleste
    - at the most
    - at most
    - for the most part
    - make the most of something
    - make the most of

    English-Danish dictionary > most

  • 8 most

    [məʊst] 1.
    quantisostantivo femminile
    1) (the majority of, nearly all) la maggior parte di
    2) (superlative: more than all the others)

    he got the most votes, money — ha ottenuto il più alto numero di voti, la somma più alta

    3) for the most part per la maggior parte; (most of the time) per la maggior parte del tempo; (basically) soprattutto

    for the most part, they... — per lo più, loro...

    his experience is, for the most part, in publishing — ha esperienza soprattutto in campo editoriale


    the most you can expect is... — il massimo che tu possa sperare è...

    the most I can do is... — il massimo che io possa fare è...

    5) most of all soprattutto

    most encouraging, odd — molto incoraggiante, strano

    3) (more than all the rest) maggiormente, di più
    4) AE colloq. (almost) quasi

    to make the most of — sfruttare al massimo [opportunity, resources, situation, space]; godersi il più possibile [holiday, good weather]

    When used to form the superlative of adjectives, most is translated by il / la / i / le più depending on the gender and number of the noun: the most expensive hotel in Rome = il più costoso albergo di Roma / l'albergo più costoso di Roma; the most beautiful woman in the room = la più bella donna nella stanza / la donna più bella nella stanza; the most difficult problems = i problemi più difficili; the most profitable discussions = le discussioni più utili. Note that in the plural the adjective in the superlative form usually follows the noun it refers to. - For examples and further uses, see the entry below
    * * *
    [məust] 1. superlative of many, much (often with the) - adjective
    1) ((the) greatest number or quantity of: Which of the students has read the most books?; Reading is what gives me most enjoyment.) più
    2) (the majority or greater part of: Most children like playing games; Most modern music is difficult to understand.) la maggior parte di, la maggioranza di
    2. adverb
    1) (used to form the superlative of many adjectives and adverbs, especially those of more than two syllables: Of all the women I know, she's the most beautiful; the most delicious cake I've ever tasted; We see her mother or father sometimes, but we see her grandmother most frequently.) più
    2) (to the greatest degree or extent: They like sweets and biscuits but they like ice-cream most of all.) più
    3) (very or extremely: I'm most grateful to you for everything you've done; a most annoying child.) molto
    4) ((American) almost: Most everyone I know has read that book.) quasi
    3. pronoun
    1) (the greatest number or quantity: I ate two cakes, but Mary ate more, and John ate (the) most.) più
    2) (the greatest part; the majority: He'll be at home for most of the day; Most of these students speak English; Everyone is leaving - most have gone already.) la maggior parte (di)
    - at the most
    - at most
    - for the most part
    - make the most of something
    - make the most of
    * * *
    [məʊst] 1.
    quantisostantivo femminile
    1) (the majority of, nearly all) la maggior parte di
    2) (superlative: more than all the others)

    he got the most votes, money — ha ottenuto il più alto numero di voti, la somma più alta

    3) for the most part per la maggior parte; (most of the time) per la maggior parte del tempo; (basically) soprattutto

    for the most part, they... — per lo più, loro...

    his experience is, for the most part, in publishing — ha esperienza soprattutto in campo editoriale


    the most you can expect is... — il massimo che tu possa sperare è...

    the most I can do is... — il massimo che io possa fare è...

    5) most of all soprattutto

    most encouraging, odd — molto incoraggiante, strano

    3) (more than all the rest) maggiormente, di più
    4) AE colloq. (almost) quasi

    to make the most of — sfruttare al massimo [opportunity, resources, situation, space]; godersi il più possibile [holiday, good weather]

    When used to form the superlative of adjectives, most is translated by il / la / i / le più depending on the gender and number of the noun: the most expensive hotel in Rome = il più costoso albergo di Roma / l'albergo più costoso di Roma; the most beautiful woman in the room = la più bella donna nella stanza / la donna più bella nella stanza; the most difficult problems = i problemi più difficili; the most profitable discussions = le discussioni più utili. Note that in the plural the adjective in the superlative form usually follows the noun it refers to. - For examples and further uses, see the entry below

    English-Italian dictionary > most

  • 9 πλεῖστος

    πλεῖστος, η, ον, [comp] Sup. of πολύς,
    A most, greatest, largest, in number, size, extent, etc., π. ὅμιλος, λαός, Il.15.616, 16.377, etc.;

    π. κακόν Od. 4.697


    πλεῖστοι ἐπιχθονίων ἀνθρώπων Hes.Fr.33.1


    π. εὐκλείας γέρας S.Ph. 478


    φιλοσοφία παλαιοτάτη τε καὶ πλείστη

    most in vogue,

    Pl. Prt. 342a


    π. τῶν Ἑλληνικῶν φῦλον τὸ Ἀρκαδικόν X.HG7.1.23

    , etc.; τῇ γνώμῃ πλεῖστός εἰμι, ἡ π. γνώμη, Hdt.7.220 (s.v.l.), 5.126; πλεῖστον σχήσειν, as [comp] Sup. of πλέον ἔχειν (v. πλείων), Th.7.36.
    2 with Art.,

    οἱ π.

    the greatest number,


    , etc.; τὸ π. τοῦ βίου the greatest part of.., Pl.Lg. 718a, etc. (also same gender as the foll. Noun, ὁ π. τοῦ βίου, ἡ π. τῆς στρατιᾶς, Th.1.5, 7.3);

    τῇ ὄψει τοῦ θαρσεῖν τὸ π. εἰληφότες Id.4.34


    τῷ πλούτῳ διδοὺς τὸ π. E.Supp. 408

    II Special usages: with relat., ὅσας ἂν πλείστας δύνωνται καταστρέφεσθαι subdue the greatest number that they possibly could, Hdt.6.44;

    ὡς ἂν δύνωνται πλεῖστα IG12.98.4

    , cf. 109.10, 113.37;

    ὁπόσσω κα πλείστω ἄξιος ᾖ Berl.Sitzb.1927.160

    ([place name] Cyrene);

    ὅς κα πλεῖστον διδῷ ἀποδόμενοι Leg.Gort.5.48


    ὡς π. χρόνον Pl.Grg. 481b


    ὅτι π. Th.6.64

    , etc.: coupled with εἷς (q.v.),

    εἷς ἀνὴρ π. πόνον ἐχθροῖς παρασχών A.Pers. 327

    : in comp. sense,

    πλείστον ἄξια ἢ ὥς τις οἴεται Hp.Art.57

    (but πλεῖστα ἤ is corrupt in Hdt.2.35).
    III Adv. usages:



    Il. 19.287

    , Hes.Th. 231, etc.;

    ὡς π. X.An.2.2.12

    : sts. added to a [comp] Sup.,

    π. ἐχθίστη S.Ph. 631


    π. ἀνθρώπων.. κάκιστος Id.OC 743


    τὴν π. ἡδίστην θεῶν E.Alc. 790

    : πλεῖστα as Adv., Pi.P.9.97, S.OC 720, etc.;

    πολλάκις μὲν.., π. δὲ.. Pl.Hp.Ma. 281b

    ; π. χαίρειν, freq. in letters, POxy. 742 (i B.C.), etc.
    b furthest,

    π. ἀφεστηκέναι Pl.R. 587a

    , Arist. Mu. 391a13.
    2 with Art., τὸ π. at most,

    ἡμερῶν τεσσάρων τὸ π. Ar.V. 260

    , etc.;

    τὰ π.

    for the most part,

    Pl.Criti. 118c

    , etc.; opp. ἐνίοτε, Arist.HA 563a31.—The form πλείστως is cited by Gal.17(1).855 from Hp.Epid.6.1.10 ( πλεῖστα codd.).
    IV with Preps.:
    1 διὰ πλείστου furthest off, in point of space or time, Th.4.115,6.11.
    3 ἐπὶ πλεῖστον over the greatest distance, to the greatest extent, in point of space, time, or extent,

    ἐπὶ π. χλιδῆς ἀπίκετο Hdt.6.127


    ἐπὶ π. τοῦ γενησομένου Th.1.138


    ἐκ τοῦ ἐπὶ π. Id.1.2

    ; ἐπὶ π. ἀνθρώπων ib.1; ὡς ἐπὶ π. or ὡς ἐπὶ τὸ π., for the most part, Id.4.14, Pl.Lg. 720d.
    4 κατὰ τὸ π. for the most part, Plb.11.4.7, etc.
    5 περὶ πλείστου ποιεῖσθαι, v. περί A. IV.
    6 ἐν τοῖς πλεῖσται, v. , , τό, A. v111. 6.

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > πλεῖστος

  • 10 част

    1. part
    (дял) part, portion, share; section, partition
    по-голамата част от the greatest part of, most of, the bulk of
    в по-голямата си част for the most part, mostly
    на части in parts/sections; piecemeal
    писано на част и written by catches
    една трета/пета част a/one third/fifth
    части на речта parts of speech
    части на изречението parts/members of the sentence
    съставна част a constituant/component part; constituent, component; ingredient
    резервни части spare parts, spares
    от всички части на света from all corners of the earth
    неделима част от part and parcel of
    лъвска част a lion's share
    за част от секундата прен. for a split second
    плащам своята част от гуляй go Dutch
    материална част equipment, materiel
    2. воен. unit, outfit
    войскова част a military unit
    официална част official proceedings
    отговорник по финансовата част a person in charge of/responsible for finances, bursar, purser
    това не е по моята част it is not within my competence
    прост съм по тая част I know little about that
    не съм по тая част it is not in my line, разг. it isn't my cup of tea
    * * *
    ж., -и 1. part; ( дял) part, portion, share; section, partition; в по-голямата си \част for the most part, mostly; една трета/пета \част a/one third/fifth; за \част от секундата прен. for a split second; идеална \част юр. share; лъвска \част a lion’s share; материална \част equipment; на \части in parts/sections; piecemeal; неделима \част от part and parcel of; от всички \части на света from all corners of the earth; писано на \части written by catches; плащам своя \част от гуляй go Dutch; по-голямата \част от the greatest/better part of, most of, the bulk of; резервни \части spare parts, spares; ставам (неделима) \част от become a fixture; съставна \част a constituent/component part; constituent, component; ingredient; той не е по женската \част women are not in his line; \част на речта part of speech; form class; \части на изречението parts/members of the sentence;
    2. воен. unit, outfit;
    3. ( област на дейност) sector; не съм по тая \част it is not in my line, разг. it isn’t my cup of tea; отговорник по финансовата \част a person in charge of/ responsible for finances, bursar, purser; официална \част official proceedings; това не е по моята \част it is not within my competence.
    * * *
    part: частs of speech - части на речта, for the most част - в по -голямата си част, spare частs - резервни части, a component част - съставна част; (дял): share (и идеална част); partition ; section {sekSxn}; quota ; detail ; division ; fraction ; unit {yunit} (воен.): air-частs - въздушни части; It is not my line. - Не съм по тая част.
    * * *
    1. (дял) part, portion, share;section, partition 2. (област на дейност) sector 3. part 4. ЧАСТи на изречението parts/members of the sentence 5. ЧАСТи на речта parts of speech 6. в пo-голямата си ЧАСТ for the most part, mostly 7. воен. unit, outfit 8. войскова ЧАСТ а military unit 9. въздушна ЧАСТ air-unit 10. една трета/пета ЧАСТ a/one third/fifth 11. за ЧАСТ от секундата прен. for a split second 12. идеална ЧАСТ юр. share 13. лъвска ЧАСТ а lion's share 14. материална ЧАСТ equipment, materiel 15. на ЧАСТи in parts/sections;piecemeal 16. не съм пo тая ЧАСТ it is not in my line, разг. it isn't my cup of tea 17. неделима ЧАСТ oт part and parcel of 18. от всичкиЧАСТи на света from all corners of the earth 19. отговорник по финансовата ЧАСТ a person in charge of/ responsible for finances, bursar, purser 20. официална ЧАСТ official proceedings 21. писано на ЧАСТ и written by catches 22. плащам своята ЧАСТ от гуляй go Dutch 23. по-голамата ЧАСТ от the greatest part of, most of, the bulk of 24. прост съм по тая ЧАСТ I know little about that 25. резервни ЧАСТи spare parts, spares 26. ставам (неделима) ЧАСТ от become a fixture 27. съставна ЧАСТ a constituant/component part;constituent, component;ingredient 28. това не е по моята ЧАСТ it is not within my competence

    Български-английски речник > част

  • 11 most

    məust 1. superlative of many, much (often with the) - adjective
    1) ((the) greatest number or quantity of: Which of the students has read the most books?; Reading is what gives me most enjoyment.) flest, mest
    2) (the majority or greater part of: Most children like playing games; Most modern music is difficult to understand.) de fleste, mesteparten av, det meste
    2. adverb
    1) (used to form the superlative of many adjectives and adverbs, especially those of more than two syllables: Of all the women I know, she's the most beautiful; the most delicious cake I've ever tasted; We see her mother or father sometimes, but we see her grandmother most frequently.) mest
    2) (to the greatest degree or extent: They like sweets and biscuits but they like ice-cream most of all.) mest
    3) (very or extremely: I'm most grateful to you for everything you've done; a most annoying child.) meget, svært
    4) ((American) almost: Most everyone I know has read that book.) nesten
    3. pronoun
    1) (the greatest number or quantity: I ate two cakes, but Mary ate more, and John ate (the) most.) flest, mest
    2) (the greatest part; the majority: He'll be at home for most of the day; Most of these students speak English; Everyone is leaving - most have gone already.) mesteparten av, de fleste
    - at the most
    - at most
    - for the most part
    - make the most of something
    - make the most of
    adv. \/məʊst\/
    1) mest
    3) høyst, i høy grad, meget, svært, særs, særdeles, ytterst
    4) (amer., dialekt) nesten
    most certainly (ja) absolutt, javisst, helt sikkert
    most of all aller mest, mest av alt
    determ. \/məʊst\/
    mest, flest, det meste, de fleste
    jeg har mange bøker, men han har flest
    ha mest\/flest penger
    det meste av min tid\/størstedelen av min tid
    at (the) most høyst, i høyden, toppen
    at the very most i beste fall
    for the most part for det meste, hovedsakelig, overveiende
    make the most of something dra størst mulig fordel av noe, gjøre mest mulig ut av noe, utnytte noe til fulle
    the most det meste
    be the most (amer., hverdagslig) være super, være fantastisk

    English-Norwegian dictionary > most

  • 12 most

    [məust] 1. superlative of many, much (often with the) - adjective
    1) ((the) greatest number or quantity of: Which of the students has read the most books?; Reading is what gives me most enjoyment.) mest; flestir
    2) (the majority or greater part of: Most children like playing games; Most modern music is difficult to understand.) flestir; mest
    2. adverb
    1) (used to form the superlative of many adjectives and adverbs, especially those of more than two syllables: Of all the women I know, she's the most beautiful; the most delicious cake I've ever tasted; We see her mother or father sometimes, but we see her grandmother most frequently.) mest
    2) (to the greatest degree or extent: They like sweets and biscuits but they like ice-cream most of all.) mest
    3) (very or extremely: I'm most grateful to you for everything you've done; a most annoying child.) mjög, ákaflega
    4) ((American) almost: Most everyone I know has read that book.) næstum
    3. pronoun
    1) (the greatest number or quantity: I ate two cakes, but Mary ate more, and John ate (the) most.) mest, flestir
    2) (the greatest part; the majority: He'll be at home for most of the day; Most of these students speak English; Everyone is leaving - most have gone already.) mestan part; flestir
    - at the most
    - at most
    - for the most part
    - make the most of something
    - make the most of

    English-Icelandic dictionary > most

  • 13 most

    [məust] 1. superlative of many, much (often with the) - adjective
    1) ((the) greatest number or quantity of: Which of the students has read the most books?; Reading is what gives me most enjoyment.) o mais
    2) (the majority or greater part of: Most children like playing games; Most modern music is difficult to understand.) a maioria
    2. adverb
    1) (used to form the superlative of many adjectives and adverbs, especially those of more than two syllables: Of all the women I know, she's the most beautiful; the most delicious cake I've ever tasted; We see her mother or father sometimes, but we see her grandmother most frequently.) o mais
    2) (to the greatest degree or extent: They like sweets and biscuits but they like ice-cream most of all.) mais que tudo
    3) (very or extremely: I'm most grateful to you for everything you've done; a most annoying child.) muitíssimo
    4) ((American) almost: Most everyone I know has read that book.) quase
    3. pronoun
    1) (the greatest number or quantity: I ate two cakes, but Mary ate more, and John ate (the) most.) mais que todos
    2) (the greatest part; the majority: He'll be at home for most of the day; Most of these students speak English; Everyone is leaving - most have gone already.) a maior parte
    - at the most
    - at most
    - for the most part
    - make the most of something
    - make the most of
    * * *
    [moust] n 1 a maior parte, o maior número. 2 a maioria. 3 máximo. this is the most you can ask for / isto é o máximo que você pode exigir. • adj sup of much and many. 1 o mais, os mais. 2 pela maior parte. • adv 1 o mais, os mais. 2 pela maior parte. 3 muitíssimo. at most quando muito. for the most part a) a maior parte. b) geralmente. to make the most of a thing tirar o máximo proveito.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > most

  • 14 most

    [məust] 1. superlative of many, much (often with the) - adjective
    1) ((the) greatest number or quantity of: Which of the students has read the most books?; Reading is what gives me most enjoyment.) največ
    2) (the majority or greater part of: Most children like playing games; Most modern music is difficult to understand.) večina
    2. adverb
    1) (used to form the superlative of many adjectives and adverbs, especially those of more than two syllables: Of all the women I know, she's the most beautiful; the most delicious cake I've ever tasted; We see her mother or father sometimes, but we see her grandmother most frequently.) najbolj
    2) (to the greatest degree or extent: They like sweets and biscuits but they like ice-cream most of all.) najbolj
    3) (very or extremely: I'm most grateful to you for everything you've done; a most annoying child.) izredno
    4) ((American) almost: Most everyone I know has read that book.) skoraj
    3. pronoun
    1) (the greatest number or quantity: I ate two cakes, but Mary ate more, and John ate (the) most.) največ
    2) (the greatest part; the majority: He'll be at home for most of the day; Most of these students speak English; Everyone is leaving - most have gone already.) večina
    - at the most
    - at most
    - for the most part
    - make the most of something
    - make the most of
    * * *
    I [moust]
    največ(ji); večina ( most people)
    for the most part — povečini, v glavnem
    II [moust]
    najbolj; naj- (za tvorbo superlativa: the most interesting); izredno (pred pridevniki: a most indecent story)
    most of all — posebno, zlasti
    III [moust]
    večina, največji del; največ, najboljše
    to make the most of it — kar najboljše izkoristiti, prikazati v najlepši luči
    at (the) most — v najboljšem primeru, največ

    English-Slovenian dictionary > most

  • 15 πολύς

    πολύς, πολλή, πολύ, gen. πολλοῦ, ῆς, οῦ (Hom.+; ins, pap, LXX, pseudepigr., Philo, Joseph., apolog.) ‘much’.—Comparative πλείων, πλεῖον (18 times in the NT, 4 times in the Apost. Fathers [including Hv 3, 6, 4; Hs 8, 1, 16] and Ath. 12, 3) or πλέον (Lk 3:13 and Ac 15:28 μηδὲν πλέον; otherwise, πλέον in the NT only J 21:15; 14 times in the Apost. Fathers [incl. μηδὲν πλέον Hs 1, 1, 6]; Ar. twice; Just. 6 times; Tat. once; Ath. 7 times), ονος; pl. πλείονες, and acc. πλείονας contracted πλείους, neut. πλείονα and πλείω (the latter Mt 26:53 [πλεῖον, πλείου vv.ll.]; B-D-F §30, 2; Mlt-H. 82; Thackeray p. 81f; Mayser p. 68f) ‘more’ (Hom.+; ins, pap, LXX; TestAbr B 7 p. 111, 27=Stone p. 70 [πλείον]; TestJob 35:2; TestGad 7:2 [πλεῖον]; AscIs 3:8; [πλέον]; EpArist; apolog. exc. Mel.).—Superlative πλεῖστος, η, ον ‘most’ (Hom.+).
    pert. to being a large number, many, a great number of
    positive πολύς, πολλή, πολύ
    α. adj., preceding or following a noun (or ptc. or adj. used as a noun) in the pl. many, numerous δυνάμεις πολλαί many mighty deeds Mt 7:22b. δαιμονιζόμενοι πολλοί 8:16. Cp. vs. 30; 9:10; 13:17; 24:11; 27:52, 55; Mk 2:15a; 6:13; 12:41; Lk 4:25, 27; 7:21b; 10:24; J 10:32; 14:2; Ac 1:3; 2:43; 8:7b; 14:22; Ro 4:17f (Gen 17:5); 8:29; 12:4; 1 Cor 8:5ab; 11:30; 12:12a, 20; 1 Ti 6:12; 2 Ti 2:2; Hb 2:10; 1J 4:1; 2J 7; Rv 5:11; 9:9; 10:11; 1 Cl 55:3ab. ἔτη πολλά many years: Lk 12:19b (εἰς ἔτη π.); Ac 24:10 (ἐκ π. ἐτῶν); Ro 15:23 (ἀπὸ π. [v.l. ἱκανῶν] ἐτῶν).—αἱ ἁμαρτίαι αἱ πολλαί Lk 7:47a. αἱ εὐεργεσίαι αἱ π. 1 Cl 21:1.—πολλὰ καὶ βαρέα αἰτιώματα many serious charges Ac 25:7 (cp. Ps.-Pla., Sisyph. 1, 387a πολλά τε καὶ καλὰ πράγματα; B-D-F §442, 11; Rob. 655). πολλὰ καὶ ἄλλα σημεῖα J 20:30 (on the form X., Hell. 5, 4, 1 πολλὰ μὲν οὖν … καὶ ἄλλα λέγειν καὶ Ἑλληνικὰ καὶ βαρβαρικά; Dionys. Hal. 2, 67, 5; Ps.-Demetr. 142 πολλὰς κ. ἄλλας χάριτας; Jos., Ant. 3, 318; Tat. 38, 1. On the subject-matter Bultmann 540, 3; also Porphyr., Vi. Pyth. 28 after a miracle-story: μυρία δʼ ἕτερα θαυμαστότερα κ. θειότερα περὶ τἀνδρὸς … εἴρηται κτλ.).—ἄλλοι πολλοί many others IRo 10:1. ἄλλαι πολλαί Mk 15:41. ἄλλα πολλά (Jos., Bell. 6, 169, Ant. 9, 242; Just., D. 8, 1) J 21:25. ἕτεροι πολλοί Ac 15:35. ἕτερα πολλά (Jos., Vi. 39) Lk 22:65.—Predicative: πολλοί εἰσιν οἱ ἐισερχόμενοι Mt 7:13.—Mk 5:9; 6:31; Gal 4:27 (Is 54:1). AcPl Ha 5, 16.—οὐ πολλοί not many=( only) a few οὐ πολλαὶ ἡμέραι (Jos., Ant. 5, 328, Vi. 309) Lk 15:13; J 2:12; Ac 1:5; AcPl Ha 11, 1. οὐ πολλοὶ σοφοί not many wise (people) 1 Cor 1:26a; cp. bc. οὐ πολλοί πατέρες not many fathers 4:15.
    β. subst.
    א. πολλοί many i.e. persons—without the art. Mt 7:22; 8:11; 12:15; 20:28; 24:5ab; 26:28; Mk 2:2; 3:10 (Mt 12:15 has ascensive πάντας; other passages to be compared in this connection are Mk 10:45=Mt 20:28 πολλῶν and 1 Ti 2:6 πάντων. Cp. the double tradition of the saying of Bias in Clem. of Alex., Strom. 1, 61, 3 πάντες ἄνθρωποι κακοὶ ἢ οἱ πλεῖστοι τ. ἀνθρώπων κακοί.—On Mk 10:45 s. OCullmann, TZ 4, ’48, 471–73); 6:2; 11:8; Lk 1:1 (cp. Herm. Wr. 11, 1, 1b and see JBauer, NovT 4, ’60, 263–66), 14; J 2:23; 8:30; Ac 9:42; Ro 16:2; 2 Cor 11:18; Gal 3:16 (πολλοί= a plurality); Tit 1:10; Hb 12:15; 2 Pt 2:2. AcPl Ha 5, 8; 7, 5; 11, 3. Opp. ὀλίγοι Mt 22:14; 20:16 v.l. (cp. Pla., Phd. 69c ναρθηκοφόροι μὲν πολλοί, βάκχοι δέ τε παῦροι=the thyrsus-bearers [officials] are many, but the truly inspired are few)—W. a partitive gen. πολλοὶ τῶν Φαρισαίων Mt 3:7. π. πῶν υἱῶν Ἰσραήλ Lk 1:16.—J 4:39; 12:11; Ac 4:4; 8:7a; 13:43; 18:8; 19:18; 2 Cor 12:21; Rv 8:11.—W. ἐκ and gen. (AscIs 3:1; Jos., Ant. 11, 151) πολλοὶ ἐκ τῶν μαθητῶν J 6:60, 66.—10:20; 11:19, 45; 12:42; Ac 17:12. ἐκ τοῦ ὄχλου πολλοί J 7:31 (Appian, Iber. 78 §337 πολλοὶ ἐκ τοῦ πλήθους).
    ב. πολλά—many things, much without the art.: γράφειν write at length B 4:9. διδάσκειν Mk 4:2; 6:34b. λαλεῖν Mt 13:3. μηχανᾶσθαι MPol 3. πάσχειν (Pind., O. 13, 63 al.; Jos., Ant. 13, 268; 403) Mt 16:21; Mk 5:26a; 9:12; Lk 9:22; 17:25; B 7:11; AcPl Ha 8, 19. ποιεῖν Mk 6:20 v.l. United w. another neut. by καί (Lucian, Icar. 20 πολλὰ κ. δεινά; Ael. Aristid. 46 p. 345 D.: πολλὰ κ. καλά; Ps.-Demetr., El. 70 πολλὰ κ. ἄλλα; likew. Appian, Bell. Civ. 5, 13 §53; Arrian, Anab. 6, 11, 2) πολλὰ κ. ἕτερα many other things Lk 3:18. πολλὰ ἂν κ. ἄλλα εἰπεῖν ἔχοιμι Dg 2:10 (Eur., Ep. 3, 2, πολλὰ κ. ἕτερα εἰπεῖν ἔχω; Diod S 17, 38, 3 πολλὰ δὲ καὶ ἄλλα … διαλεχθείς). ἐν πολλοῖς in many ways (Diod S 26, 1, 2; OGI 737, 7 [II B.C.]; Just., D. 124, 4 [of line of proof]) 2 Cor 8:22a. ἐπὶ πολλῶν (opp. ἐπὶ ὀλίγα) over many things Mt 25:21, 23.—W. art. (Pla., Apol. 1, 17a) τὰ πολλὰ πράσσειν transact a great deal of business Hs 4:5b.
    γ. elliptical δαρήσεται πολλά (sc. πληγάς) will receive many (lashes) Lk 12:47 (B-D-F §154; 241, 6).
    comparative πλείων, πλεῖον
    α. adj. w. a plural (Diod S 14, 6, 1 μισθοφόρους πλείους=many mercenaries) πλείονας πόνους (opp. οὐχ ἕνα οὐδὲ δύο) 1 Cl 5:4. ἐπὶ ἡμέρας πλείους for a (large) number of days, for many days (Jos., Ant. 4, 277; cp. Theophr. in Apollon. Paradox. 29 πλείονας ἡμ.) Ac 13:31.—21:10 (Jos., Ant. 16, 15); 24:17; 25:14; 27:20. οἱ μὲν πλείονές εἰσιν γεγονότες ἱερεῖς the priests of former times existed in greater numbers Hb 7:23. ἑτέροις λόγοις πλείοσιν in many more words (than have been reported) Ac 2:40. ταῦτα καὶ ἕτερα πλείονα MPol 12:1.—W. a gen. of comparison (Just., A I 53, 3; Tat. 3, 2) ἄλλους δούλους πλείονας τῶν πρώτων other slaves, more than (he had sent) at first Mt 21:36. πλείονα σημεῖα ὧν more signs than those which J 7:31. Also w. ἤ: πλείονας μαθητὰς ἤ more disciples than 4:1. After πλείονες (-α) before numerals the word for ‘than’ is omitted (B-D-F §185, 4; Kühner-G. II 311; Rob. 666; Jos., Ant. 14, 96) ἐτῶν ἦν πλειόνων τεσσεράκοντα ὁ ἄνθρωπος the man was more than 40 years old Ac 4:22. πλείους τεσσεράκοντα 23:13, 21. Cp. 24:11; 25:6 (Jos., Ant. 6, 306 δέκα οὐ πλείους ἡμέρας).—The ref. is to relative extent (cp. 2bα) in τὰ ἔργα σου τὰ ἕσχατα πλείονα τῶν πρώτων your deeds, the latter of which are greater than the former Rv 2:19.
    β. subst.
    א. (οἱ) πλείονες, (οἱ) πλείους the majority, most (Diog. L. 1, 20; 22; Jos., Ant. 10, 114) Ac 19:32; 27:12. W. ἐξ: ἐξ ὧν οἱ πλείονες most of whom 1 Cor 15:6. W. gen. and a neg. (litotes) οὐκ ἐν τ. πλείοσιν αὐτῶν ηὐδόκησεν ὁ θεός God was pleased with only a few of them 10:5. This is perh. (s. ג below) the place for 1 Cor 9:19; 2 Cor 2:6; 9:2. Phil 1:14; MPol 5:1.
    ב. (οἱ) πλείονες, (οἱ) πλείους (even) more πλείονες in even greater numbers Ac 28:23. πολλῷ πλείους ἐπίστευσαν many more came to believe J 4:41.—διὰ τῶν πλειόνων to more and more people=those who are still to be won for Christ 2 Cor 4:15.
    ג. (οἱ) πλείονες, (οἱ) πλείους. In contrast to a minority οἱ πλείονες can gain the sense the others, the rest (so τὰ πλείονα Soph., Oed. Col. 36; τὸ πλέον Thu. 4, 30, 4; Jos., Ant. 12, 240; B-D-F §244, 3). So perh. (s. א above) ἵνα τ. πλείονας κερδήσω (opp. the apostle himself) 1 Cor 9:19; 2 Cor 2:6 (opp. the one who has been punished too severely.—In this case [s. א above] his punishment would have been determined by a unanimous vote of the Christian assembly rather than by a majority). Cp. 9:2; Phil 1:14; MPol 5:1.
    ד. πλείονα (for πλεῖον) more Mt 20:10 v.l.; various things Lk 11:53. ἐκ τοῦ ἑνὸς πλείονα 1 Cl 24:5 (s. as adv. ParJer 7:26).
    superl. adj. πλείστη w. a plural most of αἱ πλεῖσται δυνάμεις Mt 11:20 (difft. B-D-F §245, 1).
    pert. to being relatively large in quantity or measure, much, extensive
    positive πολύς, πολλή, πολύ
    α. adj. preceding or following a noun (or ptc. or adj. used as a noun)
    א. in the sg. much, large, great πολὺς ἀριθμός Ac 11:21. W. words that in themselves denote a plurality (Appian, Bell. Civ. 5, 80 §338 στρατὸς πολύς) πολὺς ὄχλος (s. ὄχ. 1a) Mt 14:14; 20:29; 26:47; Mk 5:21, 24; 6:34a; 8:1; 9:14; 12:37 (ὁ π. ὄχ.); Lk 5:29; 6:17a; 8:4; J 6:2, 5 (for the expression ὁ ὄχλος πολύς, in which π. follows the noun, J 12:9, 12, cp. Arrian, Anab. 1, 9, 6 ὁ φόνος πολύς); Ac 6:7; Rv 7:9; 19:1, 6. πολὺ πλῆθος (s. pl. 2bα) Mk 3:7f; Lk 5:6; 6:17b; 23:27; Ac 14:1; 17:4; 1 Cl 6:1. λαὸς πολύς many people Ac 18:10. Of money and its value, also used in imagery μισθὸς πολύς Mt 5:12; Lk 6:23, 35 (all three predicative, as Gen 15:1). ἐργασία π. Ac 16:16. π. κεφάλαιον 22:28. χρυσοῦ πολλοῦ … τρυφῆς πολλῆς AcPl Ha 2, 19.—Of things that occur in the mass or in large quantities (Diod S 3, 50, 1 πολλὴ ἄμπελος) γῆ πολλή Mt 13:5; Mk 4:5; θερισμὸς π. Mt 9:37; Lk 10:2 (both pred.). χόρτος π. J 6:10; καρπὸς π. (Cyranides p. 121, 11) 12:24; 15:5, 8.—λόγος π. a long speech (Diod S 13, 1, 2; Just., D. 123, 7) Ac 15:32; 20:2. περὶ οὗ πολὺς ἡμῖν ὁ λόγος about this we have much to say Hb 5:11 (cp. Pla., Phd. 115d).—Of time: πολὺς χρόνος a long time (Hom. et al.; Demetr.(?): 722 Fgm. 7; Jos., Ant. 8, 342; 19, 28; Just., A II, 2, 11) J 5:6 (s. ἔχω 7b); Hs 6, 4, 4 (pred.). μετὰ πολὺν χρόνον (Jos., Ant. 12, 324) Mt 25:19. Differently Mk 6:35ab (s. 3aα).
    ב. adj. w. a noun in the pl. many, large, great, extensive, plentiful ὄχλοι πολλοί great crowds or probably better many people (as Diod S 20, 59, 2; Ps.-Clem., Hom. 10, 3. For the corresponding mng. of ὄχλοι s. ὄχλος 1a) Mt 4:25; 8:1; 13:2; 15:30a; 19:2; Lk 5:15; 14:25. κτήματα πολλά a great deal of property Mt 19:22; Mk 10:22 (cp. Da 11:28 χρήματα π.). ὕδατα πολλά much water, many waters (Maximus Tyr. 21, 3g of the Nile ὁ πολὺς ποταμός, likew. Procop. Soph., Ep. 111) J 3:23; Rv 1:15; 14:2; 17:1; 19:6b. θυμιάματα πολλά a great deal of incense 8:3. τὰ πολλὰ γράμματα Ac 26:24. πολλοὶ χρόνοι long periods of time (Plut., Thes. 6, 9). πολλοῖς χρόνοις for long periods of time (SIG 836, 6; pap) Lk 8:29; 1 Cl 44:3. χρόνοις πολλοῖς AcPlCor 2:10. ἐκ πολλῶν χρόνων (Diod S 3, 47, 8; Jos., Ant. 14, 110; 17, 204) 1 Cl 42:5.
    β. subst.
    א. πολλοί many i.e. pers.—w. the art. οἱ πολλοί the many, of whatever appears in the context Mk 6:2 v.l. (the many people who were present in the synagogue); 9:26b (the whole crowd). Opp. ὁ εἷς Ro 5:15ac, 19ab; the many who form the ἓν σῶμα the one body 12:5; 1 Cor 10:17. Paul pays attention to the interests of the many rather than to his own vs. 33 (cp. Jos., Ant. 3, 212).—The majority, most (X., An. 5, 6, 19; Appian, Maced. 7, Bell. Civ. 4, 73 §309; 2 Macc 1:36; En 104:10; AscIs 3:26; Jos., Ant. 17, 72; Just., D. 4, 3) Mt 24:12; Hb 12:15 v.l. W. a connotation of disapproval most people, the crowd (Socrat., Ep. 6, 2; Dio Chrys. 15 [32], 8; Epict. 1, 3, 4; 2, 1, 22 al.; Plut., Mor. 33a; 470b; Plotinus, Enn. 2, 9, 9; Philo, Rer. Div. Her. 42) 2 Cor 2:17; Pol 2:1; 7:2.—Jeremias, The Eucharistic Words of Jesus3, tr. NPerrin, ’66, 179–82; 226–31, and TW VI 536–45: πολλοί.
    ב. πολύ much ᾧ ἐδόθη πολύ, πολὺ ζητηθήσεται παρʼ αὐτοῦ, καὶ ᾧ παρέθεντο πολὺ κτλ. Lk 12:48 (Just., A I, 17, 4 twice πλέον). Cp. 16:10ab; 2 Cl 8:5; καρποφορεῖν π. bear much fruit Hs 2:3. πολὺ κατὰ πάντα τρόπον much in every way Ro 3:2 (Ael. Aristid. 34, 43 K.=50 p. 562 D. gives answer to a sim. quest. asked by himself: πολλὰ καὶ παντοῖα).—Js 5:16.—As gen. of price πολλοῦ for a large sum of money (Menand., Fgm. 197 Kö.; PRyl 244, 10. S. στρουθίον.) Mt 26:9.—Of time: ἐπὶ πολύ ( for) a long time (JosAs 19:3; Ar. 65, 3; s. also ἐπί 18cβ) Ac 28:6; AcPl Ha 10, 21. μετʼ οὐ πολύ soon afterward Ac 27:14 (μετά B 2c).—ἐπὶ πολύ more than once, often (Is 55:7) Hm 4, 1, 8.—Before a comp. (as Hom. et al.; B-D-F §246; Rob. 664) in the acc. πολὺ βέλτιον much better Hs 1:9. π. ἐλάττων v 3, 7, 6 (Ar. 6, 2). π. μᾶλλον much more, to a much greater degree (Dio Chrys. 2, 10; 17; 64 al.; Ael. Aristid. 34, 9 K.=50 p. 549 D.; Just., A II, 8, 3; D. 95, 1 al.) Hb 12:9, 25 (by means of a negative it acquires the mng. much less; cp. Diod S 7, 14, 6 πολὺ μᾶλλον μὴ … =even much less); Dg 2:7b. π. πλέον 2:7a (Ar. 11, 7). π. σπουδαιότερος 2 Cor 8:22b. Cp. π. τιμώτερον 1 Pt 1:7 v.l.; in the dat. of degree of difference πολλῷ μᾶλλον (Thu. 2, 51, 4; UPZ 42, 48 [162 B.C.]; EpArist 7; 24 al.; Sir prol. ln. 14; Jos., Ant. 18, 184; Just., A I, 68, 9; Tat. 17, 4) Mt 6:30; Mk 10:48b; Lk 18:39; Ro 5:9f, 15b, 17; 1 Cor 12:22; 2 Cor 3:9, 11; Phil 2:12. πολλῷ μᾶλλον κρείσσον 1:23 (v.l. without μᾶλλον). πολλῷ πλείους J 4:41. πολλῷ στρουθίων as v.l. Mt 20:31 and Lk 12:7 (both N.25 app.; on the strong ms. support for this rdg. s. RBorger, TRu 52, ’87, 21–24).—W. the art. τὸ πολύ (opp. τὸ ὀλίγον as X., An. 7, 7, 36) 2 Cor 8:15 (cp. Ex 16:18).
    ג. πολύς (Diod S 14, 107, 4 πολὺς ἦν ἐπὶ τῇ τιμωρίᾳ=he was strongly inclined toward punishing) μὴ πολὺς ἐν ῥήμασιν γίνου do not be profuse in speech, do not gossip 1 Cl 30:5 (Job 11:3).—Παπίας ὁ πολύς Papias (7), prob. to be understood as ὁ πάνυ; s. πάνυ d.
    comp. πλείων, πλεῖον; adv. πλειόνως
    α. adj., w. a singular (TestJob 35:2 διὰ πλείονος εὐωδίας) καρπὸν πλείονα more fruit J 15:2, 8 P66; Hs 5, 2, 4. τὸ πλεῖον μέρος τοῦ ὄχλου the greater part of the throng 8, 1, 16. ἐπὶ πλείονα χρόνον for a longer time (PTebt 6:31 [II B.C.]) Ac 18:20. Foll. by gen. of comparison: πλείονα τιμήν more honor Hb 3:3b.—IPol 1:3a. Foll. by παρά τινα for comparison Hb 3:3a; 11:4; Hs 9, 18, 2. ὅσῳ πλείονος κατηξιώθημεν γνώσεως, τοσούτῳ μᾶλλον 1 Cl 41:4.—τὸ πλεῖον μέρος as adv. acc. for the greater part Hv 3, 6, 4a.
    β. as subst. πλεῖον, πλέον more τὸ πλεῖον the greater sum (cp. Diod S 1, 82, 2=the greater part; Ps 89:10) Lk 7:43. πλεῖον λαμβάνειν receive a larger sum Mt 20:10. W. partitive gen. ἐπὶ πλεῖον προκόψουσιν ἀσεβείας they will arrive at an ever greater measure of impiety=become more and more deeply involved in impiety 2 Ti 2:16. W. a gen. of comparison πλεῖον τῆς τροφῆς someth. greater (more important) than food Mt 6:25; Lk 12:23. πλεῖον Ἰωνᾶ Mt 12:41; cp. vs. 42; Lk 11:31, 32. ἡ χήρα πλεῖον πάντων ἔβαλεν the widow put in more than all the rest Mk 12:43; Lk 21:3. μηδὲν πλέον nothing more (Jos., Bell. 1, 43; cp. Just., D. 2, 3 οὐδὲν πλέον); the words than, except following are expressed by παρά and the acc. Lk 3:13 or by πλήν w. gen. Ac 15:28, w. εἰ μή Hs 1:6.—The acc. is used as an adv. more, in greater measure, to a greater degree (Herm. Wr. 13, 21 Nock after the mss.) Lk 7:42; IRo 1:1; IEph 6:2; w. a gen. of comparison Mt 5:20 (περισσεύω 1aβ); J 21:15; IPol 5:2 (s. Ad’Alès, RSR 25, ’35, 489–92). τριετίαν ἢ καὶ πλεῖον for three years or even more Ac 20:18 D (cp. TestAbr B 7 p. 111, 27 [Stone p. 70, 27]).—ἐπὶ πλεῖον any farther (of place) Ac 4:17 (TestGad 7:2; Ath. 12 [ἐπί 4bβ]); (of time) at length Ac 20:9 (ἐπί 18cβ) or any longer, too long 24:4; 1 Cl 55:1 (ἐπί 18cβ); any more, even more (ἐπί 13) 2 Ti 3:9; 1 Cl 18:3 (Ps 50:4). Strengthened πολὺ πλέον much more, much rather (4 Macc 1:8; cp. X., An. 7, 5, 15; BGU 180, 12f [172 A.D.] πολλῷ πλεῖον; Ar. 11, 7 πολλῷ πλεῖον) Dg 2:7; 4:5.—Also w. indications of number (s. 1bα) πλεῖον ἢ ἄρτοι πέντε Lk 9:13 (the words πλ. ἤ outside the constr. as X., An. 1, 2, 11). In πλείω δώδεκα λεγιῶνας ἀγγέλων more than twelve legions of angels Mt 26:53 the text is uncertain (B-D-F §185, 4; s. Rob. 666).—The adv. can also be expressed by πλειόνως (Aeneas Tact. 237; Jos., Ant. 17, 2; Leontios 24, p. 52, 10) more ὅσον … πλειόνως the more … the more IEph 6:1.
    superl. πλεῖστος, ον
    α. adj.
    א. superlative proper τὸ πλεῖστον μέρος the greatest part w. partitive gen. Hs 8, 2, 9; 9, 7, 4. As adv. acc. for the greatest part 8, 5, 6; 8, 10, 1 (s. μέρος 1d).
    ב. elative (s. Mayser II/1, 1926, 53) very great, very large (ὁ) πλεῖστος ὄχλος Mt 21:8 (ὁ πλεῖστος ὄχλος could also be the greatest part of the crowd, as Thu. 7, 78, 2; Pla., Rep. 3, 397d); Mk 4:1.
    β. subst. οἱ πλεῖστοι the majority, most Ac 19:32 D (Just., D. 1, 4; cp. D. 48, 4 πλεῖστοι).
    pert. to being high on a scale of extent
    positive πολύς, πολλή, πολύ
    α. as simple adj., to denote degree much, great, strong, severe, hard, deep, profound (Diod S 13, 7, 4 πολὺς φόβος; schol. on Apollon. Rhod. 4, 57; 58 p. 265, 3 πολλὴ δικαιοσύνη; Eccl 5:16 θυμὸς π.; Sir 15:18 σοφία; TestAbr A 20 p. 103, 4 [Stone p. 54] ἀθυμία; Just., D. 3, 1 ἠρεμία) ἀγάπη Eph 2:4. ἀγών 1 Th 2:2. ἄθλησις Hb 10:32. ἁπλότης Hv 3, 9, 1. ἀσιτία Ac 27:21. βία 24:6 [7] v.l. γογγυσμός J 7:12. διακονία Lk 10:40. δοκιμή 2 Cor 8:2. δόξα Mt 24:30; Hv 1, 3, 4; 2, 2, 6. δύναμις Mk 13:26. ἐγκράτεια strict self-control Hv 2, 3, 2. εἰρήνη complete or undisturbed peace (Diod S 3, 64, 7; 11, 38, 1) Ac 24:2. ἔλεος 1 Pt 1:3. ἐπιθυμία 1 Th 2:17. ζημία Ac 27:10. ζήτησις 15:7. θλῖψις 2 Cor 2:4a; 1 Th 1:6. καύχησις 2 Cor 7:4b (pred.). μακροθυμία Ro 9:22. ὀδυρμός Mt 2:18. παράκλησις 2 Cor 8:4. παρρησία (Wsd 5:1) 3:12; 7:4a (pred.); 1 Ti 3:13; Phlm 8. πεποίθησις 2 Cor 8:22c. πλάνη 2 Cl 1:7. πληροφορία 1 Th 1:5. πόνος Col 4:13. σιγή a great or general hush (X., Cyr. 7, 1, 25; Arrian, Anab. 5, 28, 4) Ac 21:40. στάσις 23:10. τρόμος 1 Cor 2:3. φαντασία Ac 25:23. χαρά 8:8; Phlm 7. ὥρα πολλή late hour (Polyb. 5, 8, 3; Dionys. Hal. 2, 54; Jos., Ant. 8, 118) Mk 6:35ab.
    β. subst. πολλά in the acc. used as adv. greatly, earnestly, strictly, loudly, often etc. (X., Cyr. 1, 5, 14; Diod S 13, 41, 5; Lucian, Dial. Deor. 19, 2; Aelian, VH 1, 23; 4 Km 10:18; Is 23:16; TestSol 1:1; GrBar; ApcMos; Jos., Ant. 14, 348) ἀλαλάζειν πολλά Mk 5:38 (s. ἀλαλάζω). πολλὰ ἁμαρτάνειν Hs 4:5c (ApcMos 32). π. ἀνακρίνειν Ac 28:18 v.l. π. ἀπορεῖν Mk 6:20 (Field, Notes 29). π. ἀσπάζεσθαι 1 Cor 16:19 (s. ἀσπάζομαι 1a). δεηθῆναι π. (GrBar 4:14; Jos., Vi. 173; 343) Hs 5, 4, 1. διαστέλλεσθαι Mk 5:43 (s. διαστέλλω). π. ἐπιτιμᾶν 3:12. π. ἐρωτᾶν earnestly pray Hv 2, 2, 1. κατηγορεῖν π. Mk 15:3 (s. κατηγορέω 1a). κηρύσσειν π. talk freely 1:45. κλαίειν bitterly Ac 8:24 D (ApcMos 39). κοπιᾶν (ApcMos 24; CIG IV 9552, 5 … μοι πολλὰ ἐκοπίασεν, cp. Dssm., LO 266, 5 [LAE 317]) work hard Ro 16:6, 12; 2 Cl 7:1b. νηστεύειν π. fast often Mt 9:14a. ὀμνύναι π. Mk 6:23. παρακαλεῖν Mk 5:10, 23; Ac 20:1 D; 1 Cor 16:12. π. πταίειν make many mistakes Js 3:2. π. σπαράσσειν convulse violently Mk 9:26a.—W. the art. ἐνεκοπτόμην τὰ πολλά I have been hindered these many times (cp. Ro 1:13 πολλάκις) Ro 15:22 (v.l. πολλάκις here too).
    γ. subst. πολύ in the acc. used as adv. greatly, very much, strongly (Da 6:15, 24 Theod.) ἀγαπᾶν πολύ show much affection, love greatly Lk 7:47b. κλαίειν π. weep loudly Rv 5:4.—Mk 12:27; Ac 18:27.
    superlative, the neut. acc. πλεῖστον, α as adv. (sing. Hom. et al.; pl. Pind. et al.)
    α. pl. πλεῖστα in the formula of greeting at the beginning of a letter πλεῖστα χαίρειν (POxy 742; 744; 1061 [all three I B.C.]; PTebt 314, 2 [II A.D.] and very oft. in pap.—Griech. pap ed. Ltzm.: Kl. Texte 142, 1910, p. 4, 5, 6, 7 al.; Preis. II s.v. πλεῖστος) heartiest greeting(s) IEph ins; IMg ins; ITr ins; IRo ins; ISm ins; IPol ins.
    β. sing. τὸ πλεῖστον at the most (Aristoph., Vesp. 260; Diod S 14, 71, 3 πεμπταῖοι ἢ τὸ πλ. ἑκταῖοι; POxy 58, 17; PGiss 65:9) κατὰ δύο ἢ τὸ πλ. τρεῖς (word for word like Περὶ ὕψους 32, 1) 1 Cor 14:27.—B. 922f. DELG. M-M. EDNT. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > πολύς

  • 16 most

    [məust] 1. superlative of many, much (often with the) - adjective
    1) ((the) greatest number or quantity of: Which of the students has read the most books?; Reading is what gives me most enjoyment.) a legtöbb
    2) (the majority or greater part of: Most children like playing games; Most modern music is difficult to understand.) a legtöbb(et)
    2. adverb
    1) (used to form the superlative of many adjectives and adverbs, especially those of more than two syllables: Of all the women I know, she's the most beautiful; the most delicious cake I've ever tasted; We see her mother or father sometimes, but we see her grandmother most frequently.) (felsőfok:) leg...bb (pl. a legszebb)
    2) (to the greatest degree or extent: They like sweets and biscuits but they like ice-cream most of all.) leginkább
    3) (very or extremely: I'm most grateful to you for everything you've done; a most annoying child.) rendkívül
    4) ((American) almost: Most everyone I know has read that book.) majdnem
    3. pronoun
    1) (the greatest number or quantity: I ate two cakes, but Mary ate more, and John ate (the) most.) a legtöbb(et)
    2) (the greatest part; the majority: He'll be at home for most of the day; Most of these students speak English; Everyone is leaving - most have gone already.) legtöbb(en)
    - at the most
    - at most
    - for the most part
    - make the most of something
    - make the most of

    English-Hungarian dictionary > most

  • 17 most

    adj. en çok, en fazla, pek çok
    adv. en
    n. en fazla miktar, en fazlası, çoğu
    suff. en
    * * *
    * * *
    [məust] 1. superlative of many, much (often with the) - adjective
    1) ((the) greatest number or quantity of: Which of the students has read the most books?; Reading is what gives me most enjoyment.) en çok/fazla
    2) (the majority or greater part of: Most children like playing games; Most modern music is difficult to understand.) çoğu, büyük kısmı
    2. adverb
    1) (used to form the superlative of many adjectives and adverbs, especially those of more than two syllables: Of all the women I know, she's the most beautiful; the most delicious cake I've ever tasted; We see her mother or father sometimes, but we see her grandmother most frequently.) en çok
    2) (to the greatest degree or extent: They like sweets and biscuits but they like ice-cream most of all.) en çok
    3) (very or extremely: I'm most grateful to you for everything you've done; a most annoying child.) çok
    4) ((American) almost: Most everyone I know has read that book.) hemen hemen
    3. pronoun
    1) (the greatest number or quantity: I ate two cakes, but Mary ate more, and John ate (the) most.) en fazla/çoğu
    2) (the greatest part; the majority: He'll be at home for most of the day; Most of these students speak English; Everyone is leaving - most have gone already.) çoğu
    - at the most
    - at most
    - for the most part
    - make the most of something
    - make the most of

    English-Turkish dictionary > most

  • 18 most

    • enin
    • enimmän
    • eniten
    • enimmät
    • erittäin
    • useimmat
    • kaikkein
    • mitä
    • suurin
    • suurin osa
    • kovin
    * * *
    məust 1. superlative of many, much (often with the) - adjective
    1) ((the) greatest number or quantity of: Which of the students has read the most books?; Reading is what gives me most enjoyment.) eniten
    2) (the majority or greater part of: Most children like playing games; Most modern music is difficult to understand.) useimmat, suurin osa
    2. adverb
    1) (used to form the superlative of many adjectives and adverbs, especially those of more than two syllables: Of all the women I know, she's the most beautiful; the most delicious cake I've ever tasted; We see her mother or father sometimes, but we see her grandmother most frequently.) (superlatiivin muodostaja)
    2) (to the greatest degree or extent: They like sweets and biscuits but they like ice-cream most of all.) kaikkein eniten
    3) (very or extremely: I'm most grateful to you for everything you've done; a most annoying child.) erittäin
    4) ((American) almost: Most everyone I know has read that book.) melkein
    3. pronoun
    1) (the greatest number or quantity: I ate two cakes, but Mary ate more, and John ate (the) most.) eniten
    2) (the greatest part; the majority: He'll be at home for most of the day; Most of these students speak English; Everyone is leaving - most have gone already.) suurin osa
    - at the most
    - at most
    - for the most part
    - make the most of something
    - make the most of

    English-Finnish dictionary > most

  • 19 most

    [məust] 1. adj
    1) people, things większość f ( +gen)
    2) interest, money etc najwięcej +gen
    2. pron

    most of it/them — większość (tego)/z nich

    3. adv
    (+verb) spend, eat, work etc najwięcej; (+adjective)

    the most expensive — najbardziej kosztowny, najkosztowniejszy; (+adverb) (carefully, easily etc) najbardziej; ( very) polite, interesting etc wysoce, wielce

    * * *
    [məust] 1. superlative of many, much (often with the) - adjective
    1) ((the) greatest number or quantity of: Which of the students has read the most books?; Reading is what gives me most enjoyment.) najwięcej
    2) (the majority or greater part of: Most children like playing games; Most modern music is difficult to understand.) większość
    2. adverb
    1) (used to form the superlative of many adjectives and adverbs, especially those of more than two syllables: Of all the women I know, she's the most beautiful; the most delicious cake I've ever tasted; We see her mother or father sometimes, but we see her grandmother most frequently.) naj
    2) (to the greatest degree or extent: They like sweets and biscuits but they like ice-cream most of all.) bardzo, wyjątkowo
    3) (very or extremely: I'm most grateful to you for everything you've done; a most annoying child.) najbardziej
    4) ((American) almost: Most everyone I know has read that book.) prawie
    3. pronoun
    1) (the greatest number or quantity: I ate two cakes, but Mary ate more, and John ate (the) most.) najwięcej
    2) (the greatest part; the majority: He'll be at home for most of the day; Most of these students speak English; Everyone is leaving - most have gone already.) większość
    - at the most
    - at most
    - for the most part
    - make the most of something
    - make the most of

    English-Polish dictionary > most

  • 20 most

    [məust] 1. superlative of many, much (often with the) - adjective
    1) ((the) greatest number or quantity of: Which of the students has read the most books?; Reading is what gives me most enjoyment.) visvairāk
    2) (the majority or greater part of: Most children like playing games; Most modern music is difficult to understand.) vairums
    2. adverb
    1) (used to form the superlative of many adjectives and adverbs, especially those of more than two syllables: Of all the women I know, she's the most beautiful; the most delicious cake I've ever tasted; We see her mother or father sometimes, but we see her grandmother most frequently.)
    2) (to the greatest degree or extent: They like sweets and biscuits but they like ice-cream most of all.) vis-; visvairāk; vislabāk
    3) (very or extremely: I'm most grateful to you for everything you've done; a most annoying child.) ļoti
    4) ((American) almost: Most everyone I know has read that book.) gandrīz; turpat vai
    3. pronoun
    1) (the greatest number or quantity: I ate two cakes, but Mary ate more, and John ate (the) most.) visvairāk
    2) (the greatest part; the majority: He'll be at home for most of the day; Most of these students speak English; Everyone is leaving - most have gone already.) vairums; lielākā daļa
    - at the most
    - at most
    - for the most part
    - make the most of something
    - make the most of
    * * *
    vairums, vislielākais skaits; visvairāk; pa lielākai daļai, visbiežāk, visvairāk; ļoti

    English-Latvian dictionary > most

См. также в других словарях:

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